So a big upgrade we are going to be getting aresome changes to the iphone 13 and the 30 mini cameras with constituents that are being succession ina new spill for the new camera setup on the 2021 iphones we have also had a leak that the iphone1 3 patterns have been registered with the euro economic commission with their commodity numberslet’s discuss these brand-new seeps and the most recent on the iphone 13 secrete year and cost and witha summing-up of everything we know so far so today we have a lot to discuss but just for about oneminute here’s a quick message from today’s sponsor today’s sponsor is nordvpn now as a person wholoves to binge watch lots of programs on netflix on disney plus amazon lots of other servicesi love to watch them on my apple machines like my ipad my iphone and likewise my mac nonetheless i alsolove to go abroad as well and i love to tune in to watch netflix for example or disney plus and allthose different kinds of services while i’m away nonetheless with the wi-fi in other countriesand they recognize them in another country it doesn’t allow me to commonly watch those kindof programs unless i’ve downloaded them nonetheless with nordvpn it allows me to get a connectionback to a uk server where i’m from for example and i can watch my regional kind of netflix disneyplus amazon and all those other kind of streaming services on the go and right now people if you wantto have that ability you can sign up with nordvpn and in fact they’ve got a really great deal rightnow if you sign up to a two-year plan with nordvpn you’ll come extra 1 month free and i’m gonna puta connection down below now so you can go to there and get that due and too at the same timeas well if you want to get a special discount use my special promo code mtt at the checkout aswell so let’s begin with the announcement of ios 15 at wwdc 2021 all iphones look to get some greatsoftware boasts however the iphone 13 and the 13 pro patterns will get the best knowledge this yearwith its compounding of brand-new software and also new equipment boasts as a lot of new leakages arecoming in specific for either the iphone 13 or iphone 13 mini and then other leakages forthe iphone 13 pro and the 13 pro max i’ve decided to split these holes out goingforward in my videos to keep everything a little bit more simpler so as per usual in thesetypes of videos i go over the most recent holes we have heard recently and then cover the release dateand a summing-up of all the features of everything we know so far about the iphone sits that wewere given previously including details about the prices let’s firstly talk about that new divulge ofmore camera parts being sought for the iphone 13 and the representation quantities being cross-file so we haveheard from a recent opening that apple have requested for an increase on the iphone 13 camera partsthis leak has come from digi ages as claimed due to the iphone 30 expected to have upgrades in itscamera modules and 3d sensors for face id this is outcomes in increasing usage of vcms the sources aresaying that apple has requested to increase their supplier demand by 30 to 40 in order to meet therelease date this is not the first time we have heard apple in ramping up its yield merely veryrecently we had a leak that said that apple had already started production on the a15 chipset madeby tsmc it seems apple want to still release the iphone 13 in september meter what i will talk aboutto you in a moment but this year they are starting production of many of their constituents earlier dueto shortages in numerous technical bits to make up the iphone 13. This camera componently is anotherleak demonstrate apple “re getting ready” we have also seen spills like this for other apple commodities forexample the brand new macbook pros m1x we’ ve seen that apple have started production on chipsetsand also starting on the displays what’s the mini contributed showing ready for release later on thisyear the next leakage we have seen is that apple have cross-file the iphone 13 representations with the eurasianeconomic commission with their produce counts the disclose is recommended that the simulate amounts are brandnew to apple’s current products and there is a total of four of them that are running ios 14. itis presumed that these four patterns are the iphone 13 patterns but are running an older version of iosin their paradigm stagecoach so let’s do the liberation year next this year in 2021 we’re expecting an endseptember early october launch of all four iphone 13 mannequins now right away you’re probably wonderinghow on earth have we got to this conclusion well it’s quite simple and logistic really whenyou think about it let’s do a quick summing-up of how we have got now by doing a insignificant epitome ofthe last 10 years of iphone representation exhaust dates if we go way back to the iphone 4s in 2011 thisclassic iphone came out on october 14 th 2011. then skip a year to 2012 with the iphone 5it was september the 21 st 2012. Then let’s skip a few years ahead to say 2016 where itwas the iphone 7 and the 7 plus freeing year where we had a release date of september 16 ththen in 2019 we ascertained the secrete date of the iphone xs or the 10 s on september 21 st and the 10 ror the xr on october 26 th and last year for example with the iphone 12 examples release datesthey were from october 23 rd to november 13 th now mainly “youre seeing” the exhaust dates havebeen an end september to end october with the main exception of last year where it was a bit unusualfor the iphone 12 due to covid we had a bit of delay on the release of the sits nonetheless if thepandemic dies down we expect an apple occasion in september for the iphone 13 poses with a releaseof mid-october compared to the delayed launch what we had in 2020 so next let’s talk about theiphone 13 pattern prices and the best way to do this is give you a summary of what we know so far forthe iphone 13 and 13 mini mannequins so i just wanted to say these summary pages what i’m about to showyou are going to be updated continuously whenever we get new spills coming in for the iphone 13 miniand too the iphone 13. Any new leaks that are in will kind of mix up with kind of other spills thatwe’ve heard that message will likewise be shared here so like i said any kind of changes they willbe reflected in upcoming videos in the future so let’s begin then with the iphone 13 pattern so firstof all we’re going to be getting a 5.4 inch ltpo oled display and this is very very similar to theiphone 12 spectacle it has a resolution of 2340 x1080 according to most seeps that we have discussedabout it is looking likely that the iphone 13 mini will still have a 60 hertz refresh frequency displaythis intends it is not be getting the pro motion display what is a 120 hertz expose what basicallymeans the screen freshens itself 120 epoches per second like we should be getting on the iphone 13 pro and the pro max spectacle the mini will not be get this but for storage wise we’re going toget a bump up at last the actual minimum storage this time is going to be starting at 128 gigabytesthen 256 gigabytes and 512 gigabytes this is according again to latest seeps but this couldchange again but at the moment this is how it stands we’re too “re going to be” get that brandnew a15 bionic chipset inside it and again these brand-new leaks that we’ve been having ought to have showingwhat the power is going to be behind that actual chipset and likewise that creation has also startedon them we’ll likewise be going to be getting 5g connectivity all over again and this will be thesame qualcomm kind of modem that was acquired inside the iphone 12 is going to be put inside theiphone 13 mini so not too much is changing there the ram sum is four gigabytes of ram and againthis is the same amount that we had inside the iphone 12 mini the body is going to be made outof an aluminium torso however this person is looking likely to be somewhat thicker according to somelatest brand-new holes to accommodate a bigger battery what i’ll talk about in a second on the rear we’regoing to be coming a dual camera setup again and as you’ve seen in the latest holes we’vegot some components on the go and a lot of those components are changing for the actual iphone rearcamera setup then for artillery width we do have a bump up according to the most recent reveals and this is2 407 milliamps and then finally for the price wise the 128 gigabyte example is going to be starting at6 99 us dollars the 256 gigabyte mannequin is going to start 749 and then the 512 gigabyte at 849 dollarsso let’s move on to the iphone 13 next and to be deadly honest a lot of the bits and pieces whatare in the iphone 13 mini are identical to what’s going to be put inside the iphone 13 regular butone of the biggest main changes has got to be the screen length so with the iphone 13 we’re going tobe getting a 6.1 inch ltpo oled showing again it’s very similar to what was put inside the iphone 12 regular the present resolution is 2500 by 1170 and again we’ll be coming a 60 hertz exhibition no pro motionor 120 hertz presentation like we’ll be getting inside the iphone 13 pro and the pro max so basicallythe screen will freshen about 60 epoches per second again for storage we’re getting that jolt up from6 4 to 128 gigabyte as the starter according to numerous new openings now and basically we’ll be gettinga 256 gigabyte and a 512 gigabyte option as well we’ll too be getting that a15 bionic insideit what again comes with all the brand-new bells and whistles and of course being more efficient thanever we’re likewise coming that qualcomm 5g modem put inside it was identical to the one that’s putinside the iphone 12 ordinary we’re likewise getting four gigabytes of ram just like we had with theiphone 12 again and then just like the iphone 13 mini we’re going to be getting aluminium mas andit’s going to be somewhat thicker to accommodate the slightly bigger batteries but we’ve seen someof the latest divulges we’re too going that dual camera setup and again that dual camera setup isgoing to have some big changes that we’ve seen in recent openings so far and then finally the batterysize is going to be a 3095 milliamp artillery and that is definitely bigger than the one that wasput inside the iphone 12. for cost rise it’s going to be starting at 799 u.s. dollars for the1 28 gigabyte form then the 256 gigabyte framework is going to be 849 u.s. dollars and then finally the5 12 gigabyte framework going to get 949 u.s. dollars so as per usual with this list of features i’llbe keeping it revised as more seeps come on in all the way up to the iphone 13 start well it’s timeto fold this up so don’t forget “if youre having” liked this video to press the like button and of courseto hear the latest iphone news apple news reviews and similarities satisfy do stumbled subscribe followedby the bell until next time chaps told you soon.
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